Agriculture Training in Jinseki for Nepali Farmers


“Agriculture Training in Jinseki for Nepali Farmers ” project funded by Curea fund and HiroshimaInternational Center was implemented in Kaskikot and Bhumdi of Pokhara Metropolitan,Pokhara. The main objective of the project was to motivate farmers towards commercial vegetablefarming through technical…

WASH Component 


WASH is one of the components of the three year project PIWAAI. During the project period, it aimed to construct 15 Water Supply Schemes (WSS).  In the first year of the project, 3 Water Users Committee (WUCs) were formed and registered. Out of…

Agro-Business Fundamentals for Micro Entrepreneurs


Agro-Business Fundamentals was a 3-day workshop conducted in Rasuwa, Ramechhap and Lamjung, comprising of 100 plus participatns; facilitating aspiring and small-scale entrepreneurs take commercial approaches to their farming activities. Concepts of business cycles, record keeping, planning business, purchasing decision, group…

Small Agro Farmers’ Income Improvement Project (SAFII)


With the aim to promote sustainability and inclusive agricultural growth through the introduction of improved vegetable production technique for small land holding farmers, marginalized community, and other people affected by the April 25th, 2015, Nepal Earthquake, ISAP with the support…

Agriculture Component


PIWAAI Agriculture Component mainly comprised of the formation of 30 farmers’ group, providing technical training on seasonal and off seasonal vegetable production, aiding them with agricultural inputs, supporting farmers in marketing through marketing training and establishment of collection centers and points. Exposure visits to…

Project for Improving Water Access (PIWA)


PIWA aspired to improve sustainable access to safe drinking water, increase the number of households with access to adequate water, and reduce labor for water access, along with promoting a participatory, bottom-up, and sustainable approach to rebuilding. With the grant…